Legoland, Billund, Denmark

Our Geopanel was a cost-effective solution for the water tank construction in Legoland theme park in Billund. The construction site had limited space, which required the manual installation of the tank. Geopanel was the most profitable solution since it is a lightweight reusable formwork that can be installed without machinery.
Geopanel was chosen because of its advantages:
- Less expense for machinery,
- Cost-savings for construction with reusable formwork elements,
- Profitable solution for limited space at the construction site,
- The efficient building process with lightweight elements,
- Less expense for removing waste compared to wood or metal formwork.
Geopanel fits all Lean principles required in the contemporary construction industry, being especially efficient and therefore profitable when work needs to be done fast and in limited conditions. It also fulfills the requirements of safety at work, due to its lightweight of 11 kg (the largest panel).
Learn more about advantages our formwork products offer
Geopanel for lean construction
Geoplast Build Fast reduces building costs by up to 20%
Geoplast light weight plastic formwork benefits
Geopanel projects